Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Panic at the ATM! Lion Air's confusing payment method

Riiiiight, so the time has come to book the flight back from my upcoming backpack trek to Bali, Lombok and Flores; and since I've been in the mood for some experimentation, the choice goes to Lion Air who has been dominating Indonesia's domestic airline market this year (actually, it was Lion's flight times and baggage convenience that sealed the choice for me).

The Denpasar-Jakarta ticket clocked in at Rp 422,000 with 20 kg baggage allowance -- not bad eh?

Problem was, paying for a Lion eTicket through direct debit required one to go to one's nearest bank's ATM and cue in the payment code given through the airline's website. After heading four floors down from the restaurant I just had a client meeting at (and in 12cm heels no less!), I got to the ATM and looked through all payment options on screen. And... yep, there was NOTHING that remotely resembled how to make airline ticket payments.

After flicking through several screens and pulling out and pushing back in my BCA debit card into the slot, I gave up and consulted Google. Here's what I found. (Lion Air, please rectify this by mentioning 710110 as your bank code number? It's been years!)

So yeah, return flight booked and I'm now waiting giddily for the trip to officially start -- while trying to finish all projects in hand before then! Wish me luck~

Love, Andie


  1. Hi! I was experiencing the same thing! So I was googling and found your blog. Thank you for the info.. And yes, they should put more info on their website.

  2. 22 dec 2013 still the good procedure

  3. God! I recently experience the same problem. I was browsing through their website, but they never mention the bank code number. Glad that I found yours. Thank you, thank you so much for your info!

    1. Hello, thanks for your comment and for sharing your story :) I just booked a flight with Lion Air again and this time I paid with credit card instead - it worked well and no hassle! So I guess credit card is the way to go for me from now on ^_^;;
